The Poets Who are Making it Big on Instagram

Bringing you a list of Insta Poets that you need to add to your following list right now.

Instagram has become the abode of talent, and there is no denying that. One such is for the writers and poets who have found a niche for themselves and a community of readers who stand by their work. 

Poets are finding a space to express their talent, which solidified even more, when Cosmpolitan India had a separate category for Cosmo India Insta Poet of the Year (Popular Choice) in 2020. 

With so many budding writers and poets, you might get lost finding the ones who steal your breath away with mere lines. Team Brown brings you a list of writers that reign our hearts and are some of the Insta Poets you need to follow.  

Nilesh (@hungover.hamlet)

Anushka Dave

Instagram – Nilesh (@hungover.hamlet)

I write poetry myself. So I can understand the multitudes of emotions that a writer wishes to convey through their pen. I know many poets on Instagram, but Nilesh stands out for me. His writing can be best described as poignant, enthralling, and melancholy. He writes for Terribly Tiny Tales, and that’s how I came across his page. His enigmatic writings always have profound sentiments, longing to be discovered, heard, and felt. As his Instagram handle says, he is ‘hungover’, not merely on liquor but also love. Nilesh is a lover and always finds a way to convey his love through his words. His sensual approach in some poems makes the entire piece sound beyond captivating. The whole aesthetic of his page urges the readers to explore more and more of him. He is not afraid to talk about sensitive topics such as domestic abuse and women’s rights through his pen too. He knows his way with words and is not going to disappoint you. Selfishly enough, I wish his hangover never ends, and he continues to serve us the best of his artistic side. 

"I wrote a poem for you because it was cheaper than buying you flowers, 
You became a poem to me because that was the only way you knew how to love someone back."
Atticus (@atticuspoetry)

Madhurima Roy

Image Source: Atticus by Chris Young via The Canadian Press

Instagram is great for many things. I use it to keep up with my friends and for a daily dose of influencer-induced FOMO. But social media can also be an incredible source of inspiration. If you’re suffering from writer’s block or simply eager to read more modern poetry, you can do that too. My personal favourite Instagram poet is Atticus. The poems have inspired me to write and heal broken parts; Atticus speaks for all of us. The poetry book The Truth About Magic inspired me to pen down quotes, bringing a different reality altogether.

His poetry is a medium that helps in expressing our feelings, emotions, and thoughts with ourselves and with others who are battling the same feelings as we are. It is a compilation of thoughts and feelings into meaningful, soulful words and expressions. Reading Atticus’s poetry has a calming and satisfying feeling attached to it. So, if you are feeling low, Atticus is the one to follow!

"All she wanted was for someone to look at her and see the person she hid so well."
Utsav Raj (@myspirals)

Saumya Singh

Instagram – Utsav Raj (@myspirals)

I love Utsav Raj’s poetry. Utsav’s poetry is very lucid and has a hidden meaning which he wants his readers to decipher. I had come across his writings through the Instagram posts of Terribly Tiny Tales. It resonated with me instantly. Although, I did not initially visit his page. But later on, I came across his post on my favourite movie ‘Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani‘, which was the first time I visited Utsav’s page. I started scrolling, and I found poems and writings that were a reflection of my soul and thoughts. It felt as if somebody had penned down the feelings and ideas that I failed to express in words. 

His poems are a celebration of life full of joys and sorrows, ups and downs, successes and failures. His poems on disappointments, heartbreaks, and sadness not only make the reader feel connected with those emotions but also gives them hope that one day everything will be alright. Utsav’s poetry on happiness, success, and love never fails to make his readers smile while cautioning them that everything in life is temporary.

If you crave to read a piece of writing which might not be perfect but yet be imperfectly perfect, Utsav’s poetries are your place. You will find yourself picking up a pen and trying to etch words on paper that would resonate with the quiet and vulnerable side of yourself.

"You're not mine, what makes you think I'll let my words live with you . Our hands are not one , they're masked and afraid of each other. Why will I let you hold them?"
Deepak Ramola (@deepakramola)

Anushree Acharya

Instagram – Deepak Ramola (@deepakramola)

Since Instagram first gained popularity, it hasn’t lost its charm and craze. In fact, I believe it has only gotten better over the years. There’s so much to explore, from fashion to art to food to travel to beauty and whatnot. There are many accounts on Instagram that have caught my fancy, but the one that I love the most when I have to pick one among the many Instagram writers and poets is Deepak Ramola’s account.

I absolutely love the way he writes, his expression with words is so beautiful, and he really knows how to pour his heart out onto paper. He is definitely a very wise soul, a deep feeler, and a keen observer who knows how to make the perfect concoction with his words to narrate a story. His words have struck the right chord every time I read a piece written by him. From short poems, stories, and real-life experiences, he shares it all on his Instagram account without any inhibitions. In fact, he also holds regular Q and A sessions on his Instagram stories, where he shares writing tips for everyone willing to better their skills.

Apart from his writing, his pictures also speak volumes – he really knows how to capture a story within a frame. Every time that I have opened his account, I have always gained a new perspective and learned something new from his experiences. Some of his writings have helped me articulate certain situations when I couldn’t find the right words for them. So, the next time you think of picking up your phone for that mindless scrolling on Instagram, don’t forget to check out his account. Trust me, you’ll definitely love it!

"You begin by catching yourself as soon as you start overthinking. Or overreacting. You begin by starting over. You begin with hope."
Rupi Kaur (@rupikaur_)

Jaishree Tambi

Instagram – Rupi Kaur (@rupikaur_)

Though I am not a person who’s into poetry, when I attended this session by Rupi Kaur at the Jaipur Literature Festival three years ago, I had to check out her poetry. From then onwards, like many others, I became a fan of her Instagram sensation. Not gonna lie, what she writes is simply beautiful and touched my heart on the first go. She has a bold, feminist voice who speaks and writes down people’s feelings, especially women, with utmost honesty and freshness regardless of race, gender or ethnicity. However, she is constantly criticized for her writing; people call it ‘too simplistic’, limited to traditional forms of poetry, but they don’t understand there is beauty in simplicity. Her writing style with easy and uncomplicated phrases reflects the souls of many people, which makes her the winner. Even the illustrations she makes leave a profound blemish on your heart sometimes. All in all, I may not be a huge poetry addict, but Rupi Kaur has earned a spot in my heart.

"If you were born with the weakness to fall, you were born with strength to rise."
Beau Taplin (@beautaplin)

Safiya Khanam

Image Source: Beau Taplin via Read Poetry

Ever come across people who you relate to the point that you wonder if they were your long-lost twin or something? Beau Taplin’s poetry is that for me. Beau pens down the things that I can’t articulate or write down even if I try to.

I found him on Instagram years back and have since then been a fan of his work. It is not only how he views love and life or the relatability level that makes me admire his prose but also how he writes. He certainly has a knack for concluding his writings. His last line in any of his proses will be the most beautifully written, and I think that is rare to find in writers. 

With hoards of screenshots and bookmarked pages from his books, I am a little too lost in trying to find the perfect or my favourite poems to share with you all. I guess I will share the one that has found space on my room wall and can be a gentle reminder for the day to not just me but also you. 

"Chin up, child. In my experience, when life seems to be falling to pieces, it is usually falling into place."

There you have it! A perfect recommendatory list of poets you need to follow right now and bring in your feed some daily dose of poetry.

One Response

  1. That’s a great compilation of some really good poets. Thanks for introducing some new ones that I know know of

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